At your first appointment we will talk over your symptoms, then proceed to an introductory treatment. We use sterile needles (approx 0.25mm thin) inserted through the skin to target specific structures or the relevant traditional acupuncture points. Needles will be left in place for up to 20 minutes as you relax. Many people find this experience quite pleasant. You may not be aware of any immediate sensation, but some people do feel a sensation of heat or a dull ache during treatment. After the session please take care to journey home safely. A positive response to acupuncture may last for hours, days or weeks (it is very individual) but many conditions need repeated treatments. I would recommend that people with Chronic pain (lasting more than 12 weeks) commit to 3-5 treatments before judging response.
The following conditions may respond well: ​​​
Migraines / tension headache
Chronic pains
Low back pain
Neck pain
Menopausal hot flushes
Overactive bladder syndrome and pelvic pain
Morning sickness (hyperemesis) in pregnancy
... and many others. Contact me to discuss